A Name You Can Trust
For over three decades, the Goodman® brand has concentrated on something more important than simple brand-recognition consumer advertising. Since 1982, we’ve focused on helping millions and millions of homeowners achieve reliable, high-quality and affordable indoor comfort with products that continue to be designed, engineered and assembled in the U.S.A. As a result, the Goodman brand has earned the loyalty and respect from thousands of local independent heating and cooling professionals across North America.
Refreshingly Affordable Prices
We believe that your local HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) professional knows best about your specific indoor comfort needs and indoor air quality solutions. When they recommend a Goodman brand product, rest assured that you and your family will soon be receiving great indoor comfort, at a refreshingly affordable price.
Committed to Quality
In general, many homeowners have no idea or awareness of the HVAC system brand operating in their home. Research shows that when it comes to replacing their existing HVAC system, up to 90% of homeowners rely on their local HVAC dealer to determine the best system and brand for their home.
So, every day the local HVAC dealer’s reputation is on the line when they make a recommendation to a homeowner. Their business success depends on the trust between the homeowner and the HVAC dealer’s company. With that level of possible risk, dealers will strive to make the best decision and select the best brand for every homeowner they serve. And every day, more dealers choose Goodman® brand equipment. While it may not be a household name, yet, Goodman is a member of one of the leading manufacturers of residential, commercial and industrial HVAC systems and refrigerants. The brand has global resources and support to ensure that the best technology, manufacturing processes, testing and product limited warranties are applied in all the company’s products.